¿Habéis probado alguna vez la coliflor rebozada? en casa nos encanta así que decidí hacer brócoli rebozado y...¡Delicioso! La receta es igual:
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
500 g de brócoli
2 huevos
4 cucharadas de harina
1 cucharadita de levadura
Agua, aceite y sal
Tabasco rojo (opcional)
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
Dividimos el brócoli en "flores" y lo cocemos unos 15 minutos en agua con aceite y sal.
Escurrimos bien y dejamos templar.
Mezclamos en un bol los dos huevos, el harina, la levadura y añadimos un poco de agua para obtener la consistencia deseada, (tiene que adherirse bien al brócoli).
Ponemos en una sartén o freidora a calentar el aceite y vamos mojando en el rebozado y friendo el brócoli.
Mi receta de la mayonesa al curry es:
Ponemos 4-5 cucharadas de mayonesa en un cuenco, añadimos curry en polvo y unas gotas de tabasco de chile (el rojo).
Hi,Have you ever tried floured cauliflower? At home we love it so I decided to try with brocolli and ... Yummy! The recipe is the same:
500 g of broccoli
2 eggs
4 tablespoons of flour
1 teaspoon of yeast
Water, oil and salt
Red Tabasco (optional)
Divide the broccoli in "Flowers" and boil about 15 minutes in water with oil and salt.
Drain well and let temper.
Mix in a bowl the two eggs, the flour, the baking powder and add a little water to find the desired consistency, (must adhere well to the broccoli).
Put in a pan or fryer the oil to heat, dipped in batter and fry the broccoli.
Put on a paper towel to remove the oil.
500 g of broccoli
2 eggs
4 tablespoons of flour
1 teaspoon of yeast
Water, oil and salt
Red Tabasco (optional)
Divide the broccoli in "Flowers" and boil about 15 minutes in water with oil and salt.
Drain well and let temper.
Mix in a bowl the two eggs, the flour, the baking powder and add a little water to find the desired consistency, (must adhere well to the broccoli).
Put in a pan or fryer the oil to heat, dipped in batter and fry the broccoli.
Put on a paper towel to remove the oil.
My recipe for curry mayonnaise is:
Put 4-5 tablespoons of mayonnaise in a bowl, add curry powder and a few drops of chile tabasco (the red one).
We can also add some salt flakes.Great!
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