Sobras de lomo, foie y queso de cabra en la nevera... Vamos a preparar unos cachopos!
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
8 filetes finos de lomo
1 rulo de queso de cabra
Foie de pato
Pan rayado
Ensalada (Opcional)
Untamos una cara de cada uno de los filetes con el foie. Juntamos de dos en dos poniendo unas rodajas de queso de cabra en medio. (filete - foie - queso - foie - filete)
Rebozamos con cuidado en huevo batido - pan - huevo y pan para que quede un rebozado crujiente y el queso no se salga.
Freímos en abundante aceite a fuego lento para que se haga bien.
Sacamos a un papel absorbente para quitar el exceso de aceite y servimos con algo de ensalada, patatas...
Tenderloin, foie and goat cheese leftovers in the fridge ... Lets prepare some cachopos!
8 thin slices of tenderloin
1 goat cheese curler
Duck Foie
Bread crumbs
Salad (Optional)
Spread one side of each fillet with the foie. Put together two and two with some slices of goat cheese in the middle. (Steak - foie - cheese - foie - steak).
Pass carefully trought the beaten egg - bread - egg and bread to make a crispy batter and prevent the cheese to get out.
Fry in abundant oil over low heat to be right done.
Put on an absorbent paper to remove the excess oil and serve with some salad, potatoes ...
So tasty!
8 thin slices of tenderloin
1 goat cheese curler
Duck Foie
Bread crumbs
Salad (Optional)
Spread one side of each fillet with the foie. Put together two and two with some slices of goat cheese in the middle. (Steak - foie - cheese - foie - steak).
Pass carefully trought the beaten egg - bread - egg and bread to make a crispy batter and prevent the cheese to get out.
Fry in abundant oil over low heat to be right done.
Put on an absorbent paper to remove the excess oil and serve with some salad, potatoes ...
So tasty!
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