También podemos hacer unos aperitivos para Nochebuena o Nochevieja con la receta del pastel de salmón ahumado que hicimos la semana pasada:
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
250 g de salmón ahumado
50g de queso crema
1 lata de atún
100 g de surimi
1 lata de aceitunas pequeña
50 g de rúcula (opcional)
Preparamos unos moldes de hielos o bombones con mantequilla y forramos la base con las lonchas de salmón ahumado dejando que sobre algo para cerrar.
Picamos el surimi y las aceitunas y las mezclamos con en atún y el queso. Ponemos en el molde una cucharadita y cerramos el sobrante de salmón.
Metemos media hora en la nevera.
Desmoldamos los bombones y los ponemos sobre un panecillo con un poco de rúcula.
Un canapé perfecto para empezar la cena.
Feliz año!
We can also make snacks for Christmas Eve or New Year's with the recipe of the smoked salmon cake we made last week:
250 g of smoked salmon
50 g of cream cheese
1 can of tuna
100 g of surimi
1 small can of olives
50 g of arugula (optional)
Prepare some ice trays or molds with butter on the base and put a slice of smoked salmon leaving a surplus to close.
Chop the olives and the surimi and mix with the tuna and the cheese. Put a teaspoon on each mold and close with the remaining salmon.Put about a half an hour in the fridge.
Unmold and put on a toast with a little of arugula.
A perfect appetizer to start dinner.
Happy New Year!
250 g of smoked salmon
50 g of cream cheese
1 can of tuna
100 g of surimi
1 small can of olives
50 g of arugula (optional)
Prepare some ice trays or molds with butter on the base and put a slice of smoked salmon leaving a surplus to close.
Chop the olives and the surimi and mix with the tuna and the cheese. Put a teaspoon on each mold and close with the remaining salmon.Put about a half an hour in the fridge.
Unmold and put on a toast with a little of arugula.
A perfect appetizer to start dinner.
Happy New Year!
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