Ya sabéis que nos encanta la berenjena, pues hoy toca en
pastel! El pastel entero no llego a la foto, tuve que hacérsela solo a
mi ración (Por lo menos me esperaron jeje).
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
1 berenjena grande
1 cebolla pequeña
3 huevos
1 vaso de leche
200 ml de nata liquida
10 ml de aceite de oliva
100 g de queso de sandwich
2-3 tomates
1 lámina de hojaldre (Yo utilicé la Cocinera)
Pimienta blanca y sal
Precalentar el horno 30 minutos a 180º.
En una cazuela pochamos la cebolla picada. Añadimos la berenjena pelada y troceada y freímos lentamente unos 15 minutos hasta que esté blanda.
tanto estiramos la base de hojaldre, la ponemos en un molde (para 3-4
personas uso un molde pero si somos más lo hago en la bandeja del horno)
y horneamos durante 10 minutos.
Cuando la berenjena se haya
cocinado añadimos la nata, los huevos, el queso, la leche, la sal y la
pimienta y batimos con la batidora hasta conseguir una crema homogénea.
Sacamos el molde del horno y vertemos la crema sobre el hojaldre.
Cortar los tomates lavados en rodajas y ponerlas por encima para decorar.
Horneamos 15 minutos.
A mi me encanta, sobretodo la esquinita donde hay un montón de hojaldre mmm
Espero que os guste
Hello!As you know we love eggplant, today we have it on a cake! The whole pie did not wait to the photo, I had to make it only to my plate. (At least they waited for me lol).
1 large eggplant
1 small onion
3 eggs
1 cup of milk
200 ml of liquid cream
10 ml of olive oil
100 g of cheese sandwich
2-3 tomatoes
1 sheet of puff pastry
White pepper and salt
White pepper and salt
Preheat oven 30 minutes at 180 º.
In a saucepan fry the chopped onion. Add the peeled and chopped eggplant and fry slowly about 15 minutes until soft .
Meanwhile stretch the pastry base, put it in a mould (for 3-4 people i use a mould but if we are more people I do it in the oven tray) and bake for 10 minutes.
When the eggplant has been cooked we add the cream, the eggs , the cheese , the milk , the salt and the pepper and we beat it with a mixer until an homogeneous cream.
We take off the pan from the oven and pour the cream over the puff pastry.
We cut the washed tomatoes into slices and put them over the cake to decorate .
Bake 15 minutes.
I really love it, especially the little corner where a lot of puff pastry mmm.
Hope you like.
Meanwhile stretch the pastry base, put it in a mould (for 3-4 people i use a mould but if we are more people I do it in the oven tray) and bake for 10 minutes.
When the eggplant has been cooked we add the cream, the eggs , the cheese , the milk , the salt and the pepper and we beat it with a mixer until an homogeneous cream.
We take off the pan from the oven and pour the cream over the puff pastry.
We cut the washed tomatoes into slices and put them over the cake to decorate .
Bake 15 minutes.
I really love it, especially the little corner where a lot of puff pastry mmm.
Hope you like.
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