Hoy os traigo un DIY del que me siento muy orgullosa, tenia muchas ganas de un collar boho pero me parecían muy caros así que me propuse hacer uno con "lo que tenía por casa".
(Haz click para ver la imagen en grande)
Yo utilicé de base un collar de Stradivarius pero siguiendo los pasos del "añadido" podemos hacerlo desde cero.
Materiales (Podéis utilizar lo que queráis, yo he reciclado cosas que tenía):
1 retal de cuero negro (o fieltro)
Cadenas plateadas de varios grosores
Cristalitos, tachuelas y abalorios
Cordón trenzado de polipiel
Cola de contacto
Hilo negro
(Fotos de google)
Pensamos nuestro diseño y dibujamos en un papel la plantilla para las piezas de cuero. Yo sólo dibujé el añadido pero si hacemos otra más grande podemos realizar el collar desde cero. (Incluso podríamos hacer 3 partes).
Pasamos el dibujo al cuero y recortamos.
Con la cola de contacto pegamos una cadena por el perímetro exterior: de aquí podremos colgar cadenas, borlas...
Pegamos también en el interior las piezas según nuestro diseño.
(Haz click para ver la imagen en grande)
Para que se pareciese a la base utilicé elementos plateados y negros, como un cordón de polipiel similar al del collar.
Enrollamos en dos dedos varias vueltas de hilo negro y atamos un extremo para crear una borla. le ponemos una arandela y colocamos en el collar y el añadido para que tengan más cosas en común.
Lo mejor de todo es que he reciclado cosas que tenía por casa, y que en su momento si quiero puedo volver a usar el collar original quitando el añadido.
¿No es precioso?
(Haz click para ver la imagen en grande)
Today I show you a DIY of which I feel very proud, I really wanted a boho necklace but they are very expensive so I decided to make one with "what I had at home".
I used a Stradivarius necklace base but following the steps of the "added part" we can do it from zero.
Materials (You can use whatever you want, I recycled things I had at home):
1 piece of black leather (or felt)
Silver strings of various thicknesses
Crystals, tacks and beads
Polyester leather cord
Contact glue
I used a Stradivarius necklace base but following the steps of the "added part" we can do it from zero.
Materials (You can use whatever you want, I recycled things I had at home):
1 piece of black leather (or felt)
Silver strings of various thicknesses
Crystals, tacks and beads
Polyester leather cord
Contact glue
Black thread
We think our design and draw on a paper the template for the leather parts. I just drew the added part but if you make a bigger one you can make the necklace from scratch. (We could even do 3 parts).
We passed the drawing to the leather and cut it.Glue a chain around the outer perimeter: from here we can hang chains, tassels ...
We also paste the pieces according to our design.
To make it look like the base I used silver and black elements, like a cord of leather similar to the one in the necklace.
Wrap some strands of black thread in two fingers and tie one end to create a tassel. Put a washer and add it to the necklace and the added part so they have more things in common.
The best thing is that I recycled things I had at home, and that if I want I can re-use the original collar removing the added part.
Isn't beautiful?
We think our design and draw on a paper the template for the leather parts. I just drew the added part but if you make a bigger one you can make the necklace from scratch. (We could even do 3 parts).
We passed the drawing to the leather and cut it.Glue a chain around the outer perimeter: from here we can hang chains, tassels ...
We also paste the pieces according to our design.
To make it look like the base I used silver and black elements, like a cord of leather similar to the one in the necklace.
Wrap some strands of black thread in two fingers and tie one end to create a tassel. Put a washer and add it to the necklace and the added part so they have more things in common.
The best thing is that I recycled things I had at home, and that if I want I can re-use the original collar removing the added part.
Isn't beautiful?
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