El otro día me tocó hacer la comida en
casa de mis abuelos. Quedaba un poquito de carne guisada del día anterior pero
no había suficiente para los tres así que hice repollo relleno o 'kohlroulade'.
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
Carne guisada
Hojas de repollo enteras
Si no utilizamos sobras el primer paso será preparar la carne guisada.
Sacar con mucho
cuidado las hojas de repollo enteras (2 por persona)
Hervirlas 5 minutos en
una olla con agua y sal. Escurrir y dejar enfriar.
En el mismo agua
cocemos el resto de la col troceada. Reservamos para rellenar o para hacer un
caldo, un pastel de repollo...para comer al día siguiente.
Troceamos la carne y
la ponemos encima de una de las hojas, si es poca carne podemos añadir col
picada, arroz... La presionamos y
envolvemos con cuidado.
Ponemos la segunda
hoja en posición contraria a la primera y envolvemos.
Los marcamos un poco
en la sartén por la parte de abajo para que no se abra y los pasamos a una
cazuela baja que tendrá la salsa de la carne guisada o una salsa de cebolla,
zanahoria, tomate, vino blanco…
Los ponemos a fuego
medio unos 10 minutos.
Hoy cociné repollo relleno con carne picada, os dejo la receta del relleno:
500 g de carne picada
200 g de repollo cocido
1/2 cebolla
1/2 pimiento
50 g de nueces troceadas
50 g de pasas picadas
Pimienta blanca
Y de la salsa:
1/2 de cebolla
1/2 pimiento
1 tomate
1 chorro de vino blanco
Last day I had to make dinner at my grandparents. There was a bit of cooked meat from the day before but there was not enough for three so I made stuffed cabbage or "kohlroulade '.
Stewed meat
Whole cabbage leaves
If you don't use leftovers the first step will be to prepare the meat.
Remove carefully the whole cabbage leaves (2 per person)
Boil 5 minutes in a pot with water and salt. Drain and let cool.
Chopped the reminder of the cabbage and boil to use as fill or to make a broth, cabbage cake ... for lunch the next day.
Chop the meat and put it on top of a leaf, if is not enought we can add rice or chopped cabbage ... Then wrap and press.
Put the second sheet opposite to the first and wrap.
Then fry a bit in the pan for the bottom so it will not open and put on a casserole with the sauce of the stewed meat or a sauce with onion, carrot, tomato, white wine ...
Put on medium about 10 minutes.
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Today I cooked cabbage with minced meat, I leave the stuffing recipe:
500 g minced meat
200 g of cooked cabbage
1/2 onion
1/2 pepper
50 g chopped walnuts
50 g chopped raisins
white pepper
And the sauce:
Half onion
Half pepper
1 tomato
1 dash of white wine
Hoy cociné repollo relleno con carne picada, os dejo la receta del relleno:
500 g de carne picada
200 g de repollo cocido
1/2 cebolla
1/2 pimiento
50 g de nueces troceadas
50 g de pasas picadas
Pimienta blanca
Y de la salsa:
1/2 de cebolla
1/2 pimiento
1 tomate
1 chorro de vino blanco
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
Last day I had to make dinner at my grandparents. There was a bit of cooked meat from the day before but there was not enough for three so I made stuffed cabbage or "kohlroulade '.
Stewed meat
Whole cabbage leaves
If you don't use leftovers the first step will be to prepare the meat.
Remove carefully the whole cabbage leaves (2 per person)
Boil 5 minutes in a pot with water and salt. Drain and let cool.
Chopped the reminder of the cabbage and boil to use as fill or to make a broth, cabbage cake ... for lunch the next day.
Chop the meat and put it on top of a leaf, if is not enought we can add rice or chopped cabbage ... Then wrap and press.
Put the second sheet opposite to the first and wrap.
Then fry a bit in the pan for the bottom so it will not open and put on a casserole with the sauce of the stewed meat or a sauce with onion, carrot, tomato, white wine ...
Put on medium about 10 minutes.
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Today I cooked cabbage with minced meat, I leave the stuffing recipe:
500 g minced meat
200 g of cooked cabbage
1/2 onion
1/2 pepper
50 g chopped walnuts
50 g chopped raisins
white pepper
And the sauce:
Half onion
Half pepper
1 tomato
1 dash of white wine
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