Soy diseñadora de producto, aunque también he estudiado algo de diseño gráfico, web y fotografía. Además me he movido en el mundo de la moda encanta cocinar. Todo esto, sumado al hecho de que llevo dos años en paro, tenía que acabar en un blog. No?
Espero que a partir de hoy me acompañéis por las andaduras de este
nuevo blog, en el que compartiremos recetas, consejos de moda, manualidades,
reciclaje, ofertas y formas de ahorrar y sobrevivir a los tiempos que corren.
Un saludo!
I am a product designer, but I've also studied some graphic design, web design and photography. I've worked on the world of fashion too and ... I love to cook. All this, plus the fact that I've been two years without job, had to end up in a blog. Doesn't?
I hope from now you come with me through the wanderings of this new blog, in which we'll share recipes, fashion tips, crafts, recycling, offers and ways to save money and survive to this times.
I am a product designer, but I've also studied some graphic design, web design and photography. I've worked on the world of fashion too and ... I love to cook. All this, plus the fact that I've been two years without job, had to end up in a blog. Doesn't?
I hope from now you come with me through the wanderings of this new blog, in which we'll share recipes, fashion tips, crafts, recycling, offers and ways to save money and survive to this times.
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