Hace unos días empecé a ver en instagram fotos de hamburguesas en las que se sustituía el pan por un aguacate y...necesitaba probarlo!
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
1 aguacate
1 tomate
Salmón ahumado
Semillas de sésamo
Sal gorda (Yo utilicé sal de albahaca)
Pimienta negra
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
Partimos el aguacate por la mitad, quitamos el hueso y pelamos con las manos (Sin cuchillo ni cuchara)
Salpimentamos las dos mitades y ponemos la menos bonita de base. Colocamos los canónigos, el tomate y el salmón ahumado.
Untamos la parte de arriba del aguacate con mostaza y tapamos. Podemos sujetarlo todo con un palillo.
Para terminar añadimos más sal, semillas de sésamo y pimienta.
Me ha encantado! Y a vosotr@s??
A few days ago I began to see in instagram pictures of hamburgers in which the bread was replaced by an avocado and ... I needed to try it!
A few days ago I began to see in instagram pictures of hamburgers in which the bread was replaced by an avocado and ... I needed to try it!
1 avocado
Lamb's lettuce
1 tomato
Smoked salmon
Sesame seeds
Salt (I used basil salt)
Black pepper
Split the avocado in half, remove the bone and peel with the hands (Not with a knife or a spoon)
Add salt and pepper to the two halves and put the less beautiful one as the base. Put the lamb's lettuce, the tomato and the smoked salmon.
Spread the top of the avocado with mustard and cover. We can hold everything with a toothpick.
To finish add more salt, sesame seeds and pepper.
I loved it! Do you?
Split the avocado in half, remove the bone and peel with the hands (Not with a knife or a spoon)
Add salt and pepper to the two halves and put the less beautiful one as the base. Put the lamb's lettuce, the tomato and the smoked salmon.
Spread the top of the avocado with mustard and cover. We can hold everything with a toothpick.
To finish add more salt, sesame seeds and pepper.
I loved it! Do you?
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