Durante las navidades hemos cocinado varias veces este plato pero hasta el domingo no tuve la ocasión de prepararla yo sola y hacerle fotos al proceso, os cuento la receta paso a paso con la salsa de cebolla caramelizada y vino tinto que decidí hacer de acompañamiento:
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
1 solomillo de cerdo
200 g de bacon
200 g de paté de cerdo
100 g de nueces
1 lámina rectangular de hojaldre
1 huevo
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
Salsa (Opcional):
Media cebolla
1 chorro de vino tinto
20 g de mantequilla
2 cucharadas de harina
1 cucharada de azúcar
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
En una sartén grande con aceite de oliva sellamos el solomillo para que no pierda su jugo y dejamos enfriar.
En ese mismo aceite añadimos la mantequilla freímos la cebolla picada. Cuando esté bien dorada añadimos el azúcar y la harina (como para una bechamel), finalmente añadimos el vino tinto y cocinamos unos minutos. Podemos batirla o no.
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
Precalentamos el horno a 200º C.
Sobre un film de plástico ponemos el bacon. Lo untamos con el paté y añadimos las nueces. Ponemos encima el solomillo y enrollamos con ayuda del film. apretamos bien y dejamos 20 minutos en la nevera.
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
Sacamos el solomillo y lo cubrimos con hojaldre. Pintamos con huevo batido y horneamos 20 minutos por arriba y por abajo.
Servimos con la salsa, una ensalada o unas patatas fritas.
At Christmas time we ate this recipe some times but until this Sunday I had not the occasion to prepare it by myself, I tell you the recipe step by step with the caramelized onion and red wine sauce that I decided to prepare:
1 pork tenderloin
200 g of bacon
200 g of pork pâté
100 g of walnuts
1 rectangular sheet of puff pastry
1 egg
Extra virgin olive oil
Sauce (Optional):
Half an onion
1 jet of red wine
20 g of butter
2 tablespoons of flour
1 tablespoon of sugar
In a large frying pan with olive oil, seal the sirloin so it does not loose its juice and let cool.
In the same oil add the butter and fry the chopped onion.
When it is well browned add the sugar and the flour (as for a béchamel), add the red wine and cook for a few minutes.
We can beat it or not.
Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.P
ut the bacon on a plastic film. Spread the pâté and add the nuts. Put on the sirloin and wrap with the help of the film. Squeezed well and left 20 minutes in the fridge.
Removed the film and cover it with the puff pastry.
Paint it with the beaten egg and baked 20 minutes above and below.
We can serve with the sauce, a salad or some french fries.
1 pork tenderloin
200 g of bacon
200 g of pork pâté
100 g of walnuts
1 rectangular sheet of puff pastry
1 egg
Extra virgin olive oil
Sauce (Optional):
Half an onion
1 jet of red wine
20 g of butter
2 tablespoons of flour
1 tablespoon of sugar
In a large frying pan with olive oil, seal the sirloin so it does not loose its juice and let cool.
In the same oil add the butter and fry the chopped onion.
When it is well browned add the sugar and the flour (as for a béchamel), add the red wine and cook for a few minutes.
We can beat it or not.
Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.P
ut the bacon on a plastic film. Spread the pâté and add the nuts. Put on the sirloin and wrap with the help of the film. Squeezed well and left 20 minutes in the fridge.
Removed the film and cover it with the puff pastry.
Paint it with the beaten egg and baked 20 minutes above and below.
We can serve with the sauce, a salad or some french fries.
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