Hoy os muestro mi versión de la tarta de quesitos y sobaos, deliciosa en sólo 10 minutos!
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
10-20 sobaos para la base
8 quesitos
800 ml de leche
80 g de azúcar
12 sobaos
2 sobres de cuajada en polvo
2 hojas de gelatina neutra
5 cucharadas de mermelada de arándanos
Preparamos un molde desmontable con mantequilla y forramos la base de sobaos, dejando la parte superior para abajo y la más porosa para arriba, para que absorba la crema de quesitos.
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
Ponemos en una olla grande los 12 sobaos partidos en trozos, los quesitos, el azúcar, la leche y los 2 sobres de cuajada y pasamos la batidora.
Calentamos hasta que hierve removiendo en todo momento. Retiramos del fuego y dejamos reposar unos minutos.
Ponemos en el molde sobre los sobaos e introducimos en la nevera una hora.
Hidratamos las dos hojas de gelatina y las escurrimos siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante.
Calentamos en un cazo la mermelada y añadimos la gelatina. removemos bien hasta que se integre completamente.
Ponemos en el molde y dejamos en la nevera toda la noche.
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
Today I´ll show you my version of the cheese wedges and shortbread cake, delicious in just 10 minutes!
Ingredients:Butter10-20 shortbread for the base8 cheese wedges 800 ml of milk80g of sugar12 shortbread2 envelopes of curd powder2 sheets of neutral gelatin5 tablespoons of blueberry jam
Preparation:Prepare a mold with butter and put some shortbread on the the base, leaving the top down leaving the porous side up to absorb the cheese cream.
Put in a large pot the 12 shortbread into pieces, the cheese wedges, sugar, milk and 2 sachets of curd and pass through the mixer.
Boil the mixture stirring at all times. Remove from heat and let stand a few minutes.Put in the pan on the top of the shortbread and introduce in the fridge an hour.Hydrate the two sheets of gelatin and drain them following the manufacturer's instructions.Heat the jam in a saucepan and add the gelatin. Stir well until completely blended.Put in the mold and leave in the refrigerator overnight.Delicious!
Ingredients:Butter10-20 shortbread for the base8 cheese wedges 800 ml of milk80g of sugar12 shortbread2 envelopes of curd powder2 sheets of neutral gelatin5 tablespoons of blueberry jam
Preparation:Prepare a mold with butter and put some shortbread on the the base, leaving the top down leaving the porous side up to absorb the cheese cream.
Put in a large pot the 12 shortbread into pieces, the cheese wedges, sugar, milk and 2 sachets of curd and pass through the mixer.
Boil the mixture stirring at all times. Remove from heat and let stand a few minutes.Put in the pan on the top of the shortbread and introduce in the fridge an hour.Hydrate the two sheets of gelatin and drain them following the manufacturer's instructions.Heat the jam in a saucepan and add the gelatin. Stir well until completely blended.Put in the mold and leave in the refrigerator overnight.Delicious!
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