El otro día vi esta receta en Directo al paladar y me llamó tanto la atención que enseguida me puse a preparar mi versión. Este pan no lleva ni levadura, ni aceite, se prepara en 10 minutos y al horno!
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
350 g de Harina
175 g Harina de maiz
30 g de copos de avena integral
30 g de semillas varias
10 ml de Miel
Una cucharadita de bicarbonato sódico
Una cucharadita de sal
2 Yogures naturales
250 ml de Leche
Precalentamos el horno a 200 ºC
Mezclamos todo bien.
Preparamos un molde de plum cake y horneamos durante 40 minutos
The other day I saw this récipe on Directo al paladar and I immediately started preparing my version. This bread has no yeast, no oil, is prepared in 10 minutes and baked!
350 g of flour
175 g of corn flour
30 g of whole oatmeal cups
30 g of various seeds
10 ml of honey
A teaspoon of baking soda
A teaspoon of salt
2 Natural yogurts
250 ml of Milk
Preheat oven to 200 ° C
Mix everything well.
Prepare a mold of plum cake and bake for 40 minutes
The other day I saw this récipe on Directo al paladar and I immediately started preparing my version. This bread has no yeast, no oil, is prepared in 10 minutes and baked!
350 g of flour
175 g of corn flour
30 g of whole oatmeal cups
30 g of various seeds
10 ml of honey
A teaspoon of baking soda
A teaspoon of salt
2 Natural yogurts
250 ml of Milk
Preheat oven to 200 ° C
Mix everything well.
Prepare a mold of plum cake and bake for 40 minutes
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