Hace tiempo que quería arreglar estas botas, que compre hace unos 10 años y
que hace 8 que no pongo. La idea surgió cuando vi que se empezaban a llevar los
botines con pañuelos y cadenas, así que decidí transformarlas para darles uso.
Dos botas que ya no te gusten o quieras transformar (Destroy año ¿2004?)Un pañuelo o tela bonita (2,50 en un chino)
Pistola de silicona o aguja + hilo
El primer paso será decidir si queremos cortar las botas y transformarlas
para siempre o doblarlas y poder dejarlas como estaban en un futuro. Yo por si
acaso elegí el paso nº 2.Cuando lleguemos a una forma que nos guste doblamos las dos botas de la misma forma.
Cortamos dos trozos de la tela (de unos 20x20 cm) y si la tela se deshilacha hacemos un dobladillo cosiendo o pegando el borde cortado.
Para terminar doblamos cada pañuelo en forma triangular y lo atamos a cada bota.
Ya tenemos unos botines country!!
Hello there!
I have been a long time wanting to fix these boots which buy about 10 years ago and I didn't use last 8. The idea came when I saw those trendy boots with scarfs, so I decided to transform them to use them again.
Two boots that you don’t like or want to transform (Destroy year 2004?)
A pretty scarf or fabric (2.50 in a Chinese shop)
Glue gun or needle + thread
First step is to decide if we want to cut the boots and turn forever or fold them and be able to leave them as they were in the future. Just in case I chose the step #2.
When you
get a form you like, turn the two boots in the same way. I have been a long time wanting to fix these boots which buy about 10 years ago and I didn't use last 8. The idea came when I saw those trendy boots with scarfs, so I decided to transform them to use them again.
Two boots that you don’t like or want to transform (Destroy year 2004?)
A pretty scarf or fabric (2.50 in a Chinese shop)
Glue gun or needle + thread
First step is to decide if we want to cut the boots and turn forever or fold them and be able to leave them as they were in the future. Just in case I chose the step #2.
Cut two
pieces of fabric (about 20x20 cm) and if the fabric makes frays, do a hem
stitching or gluing the cut edge.
Finally we
fold each scarf in a triangular shape and tied to each boot.
have country boots!