Hoy comenzamos una nueva
sección en la que os hablaré de las rutas que hacemos, sobre todo por Asturias, como llegar, duración, que ver... para
que conozcáis un poquito más nuestro pequeño paraiso y para compartir con vosotros/as otra de mis grandes pasiones: La fotografía.

El pasado viernes hicimos parte de la ruta del Oso para conocer las cascadas de Guanga, comenzando y terminando en el pueblo de Perlavia (Trubia) un pueblo precioso cerca de Sama de Grao.
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
Salimos desde
Oviedo dirección Trubia y al llegar cogimos la desviación a Proaza, aquí había dos opciones; continuar hacia San Andrés de Trubia y hacer la ruta subiendo al lado del río o desviarse hacia Sama de Grao y hacerla desde Perlavia, bajando al lado del río hasta San Andrés (Aunque después volvimos a Perlavia a por el coche lo hicimos sin bajar a las cascadas, sin pararnos a hacer fotos, ni a comer y fue mucho más ameno).

La ruta es muy fácil y se puede
decidir hasta donde llegar ya que el camino desde ambos pueblos se junta en un cruce y es cada uno el que decide si bajar o no a las cascadas y a cuantas por lo que es una buena ruta para hacer con niños y perros (especialmente desde Perlavia).

Al llegar a Perlavia aparcamos el coche donde se pueda
y lo mejor es preguntar por el comienzo de la ruta a alguien. El camino comienza en la parte baja del pueblo, por la izquierda de una de las casas, donde podremos ver ya la primera señal:

(Haz click en la imagen para
verla en grande)

Comenzamos la ruta sobre las 13.30, el camino es bastante fácil,un camino de pueblo que se ve que mucha gente utiliza a diario. En algunos tramos se encuentra el terreno encharcado por
lo que no viene mal llevar unas buenas botas.

Al llegar al cruce vemos un cartel que nos indica como
bajar a la primera cascada. Es un sitio tan bonito que mucha gente, como nosotros, aprovecha para comer allí.

(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
Después de disfrutar de la vista, comer y descansar podemos volver a subir al cruce o continuar al lado del río mientras vamos descubriendo una sucesión de cascadas. Nosotros llegamos hasta una de las últimas cascadas en donde ya no se veía el camino y decidimos continuar hasta San Andrés de Trubia. Es un camino algo más dificil, con cuestas y muchas piedras pero el paisaje es muy bonito.
(Haz click en las imágenes para verlas en grande)
Duración: Nosotros tardamos unas 5 horas pero paramos muchisimo tiempo a hacer fotos, a comer y a disfrutar del paisaje, como depende desde dónde salgáis y cuantas cascadas veáis podéis hacerla tranquilamente en una hora.
Today we start a new section where I will tell you about the routes we do, especially in Asturias, getting there, duration, what to see... so you will know a little more about our little paradise and to share with you another of my great passions: Photography.
Last Friday we made part of the Bear´s route to see the Guanga's waterfalls, starting and ending in the village of Perlavia (Trubia) a beautiful village near Sama de Grao.
We leave from Oviedo to Trubia and there we took the detour to Proaza, here we have two options; continue to San Andrés de Trubia and make the route going up the river or continue like going to Sama de Grao stopping in Perlavia, going down by the river to San Andrés (Although after we returned going up to get the car to Perlavia, we didn't go to the waterfalls, didn't stop to take pictures, or eat so it was very calm).
The route is very easy and you can decide how far to go as the road from both peoples join in an intersection and each one decides whether or not to go to the waterfalls and how much to see so it is a good route to do with children and dogs (especially starting on Perlavia).
When you get to Perlavia leave the car wherever you can and it is best to ask someone for the start of the route. The route starts at the bottom of the village, to the left of one of the houses where we can see already the first sign: (Second photo)
We started the route over 13.30, the road is very easy, a way that many people use every day. In some places the ground is waterlogged so it's better to wear good boots.
At the crossroads we see a sign that tells us how to go to the first waterfall. It is a beautiful place that many people, like us, choose to eat there. (Third photo)
After enjoying the view, eat and rest we can go back up to the crossing or continue beside the river and discover a succession of waterfalls. We arrived to one of the last waterfalls where it's difficult to see the way so we decided to continue to San Andrés de Trubia. It is a more difficult way, with slopes and many stones but the view is very beautiful.
Duration: It took us 5 hours but we were a very long time stopped taking pictures, eating and sightseeing, as it depends from where you start and how many waterfalls you see you can do it quietly in an hour.
Today we start a new section where I will tell you about the routes we do, especially in Asturias, getting there, duration, what to see... so you will know a little more about our little paradise and to share with you another of my great passions: Photography.
Last Friday we made part of the Bear´s route to see the Guanga's waterfalls, starting and ending in the village of Perlavia (Trubia) a beautiful village near Sama de Grao.
We leave from Oviedo to Trubia and there we took the detour to Proaza, here we have two options; continue to San Andrés de Trubia and make the route going up the river or continue like going to Sama de Grao stopping in Perlavia, going down by the river to San Andrés (Although after we returned going up to get the car to Perlavia, we didn't go to the waterfalls, didn't stop to take pictures, or eat so it was very calm).
The route is very easy and you can decide how far to go as the road from both peoples join in an intersection and each one decides whether or not to go to the waterfalls and how much to see so it is a good route to do with children and dogs (especially starting on Perlavia).
When you get to Perlavia leave the car wherever you can and it is best to ask someone for the start of the route. The route starts at the bottom of the village, to the left of one of the houses where we can see already the first sign: (Second photo)
We started the route over 13.30, the road is very easy, a way that many people use every day. In some places the ground is waterlogged so it's better to wear good boots.
At the crossroads we see a sign that tells us how to go to the first waterfall. It is a beautiful place that many people, like us, choose to eat there. (Third photo)
After enjoying the view, eat and rest we can go back up to the crossing or continue beside the river and discover a succession of waterfalls. We arrived to one of the last waterfalls where it's difficult to see the way so we decided to continue to San Andrés de Trubia. It is a more difficult way, with slopes and many stones but the view is very beautiful.
Duration: It took us 5 hours but we were a very long time stopped taking pictures, eating and sightseeing, as it depends from where you start and how many waterfalls you see you can do it quietly in an hour.
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