Hoy comimos quiche de jamón, queso y tomate y conseguí sacarle una foto a mi ración antes de que desapareciera por completo.
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
Una base de hojaldre
250 g de leche
30 g de harina
10 g de margarina
10 g de aceite
50 g de nata
100 g de jamon york
50 g de queso
50 g de queso de untar
1 tomate
3 huevos
Precalentamos el horno a 180º.
Estiramos la base de hojaldre y la ponemos en el molde. La pinchamos un poco y la horneamos unos 20 minutos mientras preparamos el relleno.
Ponemos en un cazo a fuego lento la mantequilla y el aceite con la harina, cuando se tueste un poco añadimos la leche para crear una bechamel. Añadimos los huevos, el queso de untar y la nata y revolvemos hasta que tengamos una mezcla homogénea. Retiramos del fuego. Troceamos y rallamos el jamón y el queso y lo añadimos a la mezcla.
Vertemos la mezcla en el molde sobre el hojaldre y ponemos por encima unas rodajas de tomate (opcional). Horneamos 20 minutos.
Podemos hacer esta quiche cambiando el jamón, el queso y el tomate por los ingredientes que queramos (bacon, puerro, zanahoria..)
Espero que os guste.
Today we ate a quiche with ham, cheese and tomato and I just could take a picture of my portion before it completely disappeared.
Ingredients:A puff pastry base250 g of milk30 g of flour10 g of margarine10 g of oil50 g of cream100 g of york ham50 g of cheese50 g of cream cheese 1 tomato3 eggsSalt
Preparation:Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.Stretch the pastry base and put it in pan. Prick a little and bake about 20 minutes while we prepare the filling.Put in a saucepan over low heat the butter and the oil with the flour, when roasting add the milk to make a white sauce. Add the eggs, the cream cheese and the cream and stir until you have a homogeneous mixture. Remove from the heat. Chop and grate the ham and the cheese and add them to the mix.Pour the mixture into the mold on the pastry and put over the sliced tomato (optional). Bake for 20 minutes.We can make this quiche changing the ham, the cheese and the tomato for the ingredients you want (bacon, leek, carrot ..)Hope you like it.Regards
Ingredients:A puff pastry base250 g of milk30 g of flour10 g of margarine10 g of oil50 g of cream100 g of york ham50 g of cheese50 g of cream cheese 1 tomato3 eggsSalt
Preparation:Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.Stretch the pastry base and put it in pan. Prick a little and bake about 20 minutes while we prepare the filling.Put in a saucepan over low heat the butter and the oil with the flour, when roasting add the milk to make a white sauce. Add the eggs, the cream cheese and the cream and stir until you have a homogeneous mixture. Remove from the heat. Chop and grate the ham and the cheese and add them to the mix.Pour the mixture into the mold on the pastry and put over the sliced tomato (optional). Bake for 20 minutes.We can make this quiche changing the ham, the cheese and the tomato for the ingredients you want (bacon, leek, carrot ..)Hope you like it.Regards
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