Ayer mi primo cumplió 20 años y como está estudiando medicina le hice esta tarta "Operación".
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
Bizcocho base (podéis hacer el que más os guste, el de yogurt...yo hice de naranja)
100 g de queso crema
200 g de nata para montar
100 g de azúcar glass
2 cucharadas de cacao en polvo
Fondant + colorantes
Chocolate negro
Regaliz, lacasitos, jelly beans...
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
Para mi el primer paso a realizar en este tipo de tartas es el diseño. Vemos el juego, las partes que tiene y pensamos cómo lo vamos a hacer.
Para las pinzas utilicé unas que tenía, pero podemos comprarlas o hacerlas de fondant, até un regaliz para hacer la cuerda que la sujeta.
También compre una gominola roja para la nariz, y lacasitos y jelly beans para algunos de los órganos, los demás los hice con fondant.
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
Una vez tenemos el bizcocho listo montamos la nata y mezclamos con el queso, el azúcar y el cacao para hacer una crema de chocolate con la que untaremos todo el bizcocho para pegar el fondant. Alisamos bien y metemos una hora en la nevera.
Preparamos una plancha de fondant amarillo con las medidas de la parte superior del bizcocho y colocamos sobre la crema de chocolate.
A continuación hacemos tiras rojas y amarillas para cubrir la base.
Por último, con fondant de color rosa y con ayuda de una plantilla hacemos a nuestro paciente sobre un papel de horno o antiadherente.
Realizamos agujeros del tamaño de los huesos y músculos y los cubrimos con chocolate negro. En este momento también hice la forma del pelo con el chocolate sobre el papel de horno. Colocamos los huesos y músculos en su sitio y metemos 10 minutos a la nevera para que el chocolate se endurezca y sea fácil retirar el papel de horno.
Con cuidado mojamos la parte posterior del muñeco y lo pegamos sobre la tarta.
(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
Por último con un rotulador de tinta comestible escribimos las partes del cuerpo.
Podemos decorar la bandeja con billetes (servilletas) y tarjetas como en el juego.
¡Espero que os guste!
Yesterday my cousin turned 20 and like he is studying medicine I made him this "Operation" cake.
Sponge cake base (you can do the one you like best, I made an orange cake)
100 g of cream cheese
200 g of whipping cream
100 g of powdered sugar
2 tablespoons of cocoa poder
Fondant + dyes
Dark chocolate
Licorice, Smarties, jelly beans ...
For me the first thing to do in this type of cakes is the design. We have to see the game, componets who have, and think how we are going to do it.
I used some tweezers I had, but we can buy them or make them with fondant, I tied them with a licorice rope.
I also bought a red candy for the nose, and Smarties and jelly beans for some parts of the body, I made the rest with fondant.
Once we have the cake ready assemble the whipping cream and mix with the cream cheese, the sugar and the cocoa to make a chocolate cream with which spread the whole cake to paste the fondant. Smoothed well and put an hour in the refrigerator.
Prepare a sheet with yellow fondant with the measures of the cake top and placed on the chocolate cream.Then we do red and yellow strips to cover the base.Finally, with pink fondant and using a template we do our patient on a nonstick paper.
Make holes with the size of the bones and muscles and covered with black chocolate. At this time I also did the hair shape with chocolate on the baking paper.
Put the bones and muscles in place and introduce on the refrigerator 10 minutes for the chocolate to harden and easily remove the baking paper.
Carefully dip the back of the doll and paste on the cake.
Finally with an edible ink pen write the parts of the body.We can decorate the tray with tickets (napkins) and cards like in the game.
Sponge cake base (you can do the one you like best, I made an orange cake)
100 g of cream cheese
200 g of whipping cream
100 g of powdered sugar
2 tablespoons of cocoa poder
Fondant + dyes
Dark chocolate
Licorice, Smarties, jelly beans ...
For me the first thing to do in this type of cakes is the design. We have to see the game, componets who have, and think how we are going to do it.
I used some tweezers I had, but we can buy them or make them with fondant, I tied them with a licorice rope.
I also bought a red candy for the nose, and Smarties and jelly beans for some parts of the body, I made the rest with fondant.
Once we have the cake ready assemble the whipping cream and mix with the cream cheese, the sugar and the cocoa to make a chocolate cream with which spread the whole cake to paste the fondant. Smoothed well and put an hour in the refrigerator.
Prepare a sheet with yellow fondant with the measures of the cake top and placed on the chocolate cream.Then we do red and yellow strips to cover the base.Finally, with pink fondant and using a template we do our patient on a nonstick paper.
Make holes with the size of the bones and muscles and covered with black chocolate. At this time I also did the hair shape with chocolate on the baking paper.
Put the bones and muscles in place and introduce on the refrigerator 10 minutes for the chocolate to harden and easily remove the baking paper.
Carefully dip the back of the doll and paste on the cake.
Finally with an edible ink pen write the parts of the body.We can decorate the tray with tickets (napkins) and cards like in the game.
Hope you like it!
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