Hoy os voy a enseñar a hacer unas libretas con folios reciclados, estos folios traían un encabezado con los datos de una empresa y los corté para aprovecharlos.
200 folios
Guillotina o cutter
Cartón 21x21 cm
Cartón 21 cm x ancho de folios (lomo)
Papel decorativo (Yo compre en Tiguer 10 por un euro)
Washi tape (Tiguer 1 por 1€, Casa 3 por 1.49€...)
Sellos, troqueles y otros materiales de Scrapbook ( para decorar)
1 Pistola de cola con 1-2 barras de silicona
Un taladro, dremel...con una broca no muy grande (que por el agujero quepa dos veces nuestro cordón)

(Haz click en la imagen para verla en grande)
Con una guillotina o cutter cortamos los folios a la medida que queramos, en mi caso 21x21 cm.
Colocamos los folios sobre el cartón grande y lo alineamos bien. A continuación con la pistola muy caliente añadimos cola en un lateral, haciendo un zig-zag de arriba a abajo para ayudar a que los folios y el cartón se unan. Ponemos el cartón pequeño sobre la cola, alinéandolo con los folios y presionamos hasta que se pegue.
A continuación diseñamos la portada y colocamos los papeles que necesitemos pegando en el lomo con silicona y el resto con pegamento de barra.
Cuando esté seco medimos el lugar en el que queremos que vayan los agujeros y taladramos sacando la broca de vez en cuando para que el papel no se queme (al ir agujereando la broca se calienta)
Por último introducimos el cordón por los agujeros y anudamos con un lazo.
Una vez tenemos la estructura terminada podemos decorar la portada y las hojas interiores.
Yo hice una de viaje para chico, una de cine, una de costura y una de caramelos!
Yo hice una de viaje para chico, una de cine, una de costura y una de caramelos!
Espero que os gusten.
Hello!Today I'll show you how to make these notebooks with recycled paper, these papers brought a header with the data of a company so I cut it off to use them.
200 sheets of paper
A guillotine or cutter
Cardboard 21x21 cm
Cardboard 21 cm x width of the sheets (the back)
Decorative paper ( I buy in tiguer 10 for 1 euro )
Washi tape ( tiguer 1 for 1 €, Casa 3 for 1.49 € ... )
Stamps, dies and other Scrapbook materials ( to decore)
1 Glue gun with 1-2 silicone bars
Stick glue
A drill , a dremel ... not very large drill (which the lace fits twice on the hole)
With a guillotine or cutter cut the sheets to the size you want, in my case 21x21 cm.
We put the sheets on the big cardboard and align well.
Then glue one side with the hot glue gun making a zig -zag up and down to help the sheets and cardboard to join.
We put the small cardboard on the glue aligning it to the pages and press until it sticks .Then we design the cover and put the papers we need pasting silicone on the back and the rest with glue stick.
When it dry we place where we want the holes and we drill them removing the bit from time to time so that the paper does not burn (while working the drill will heated)
Finally we introduce the lace through the holes and we knotted with a tie.
Once we have completed the structure we can decorate the cover and the pages .
I made one about travelling for a boy, one about cinema, one about sewing and one about sweets!
Hope you like them.
Hello!Today I'll show you how to make these notebooks with recycled paper, these papers brought a header with the data of a company so I cut it off to use them.
200 sheets of paper
A guillotine or cutter
Cardboard 21x21 cm
Cardboard 21 cm x width of the sheets (the back)
Decorative paper ( I buy in tiguer 10 for 1 euro )
Washi tape ( tiguer 1 for 1 €, Casa 3 for 1.49 € ... )
Stamps, dies and other Scrapbook materials ( to decore)
1 Glue gun with 1-2 silicone bars
Stick glue
A drill , a dremel ... not very large drill (which the lace fits twice on the hole)
With a guillotine or cutter cut the sheets to the size you want, in my case 21x21 cm.
We put the sheets on the big cardboard and align well.
Then glue one side with the hot glue gun making a zig -zag up and down to help the sheets and cardboard to join.
We put the small cardboard on the glue aligning it to the pages and press until it sticks .Then we design the cover and put the papers we need pasting silicone on the back and the rest with glue stick.
When it dry we place where we want the holes and we drill them removing the bit from time to time so that the paper does not burn (while working the drill will heated)
Finally we introduce the lace through the holes and we knotted with a tie.
Once we have completed the structure we can decorate the cover and the pages .
I made one about travelling for a boy, one about cinema, one about sewing and one about sweets!
Hope you like them.
Una gran idea, práctica y bonita. Ideal para regalar!!
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